Books and pens on table

What is MSL?

Multisensory Structured Language (MSL) is a highly researched approach, based on the body of research known as the Science of Reading. Aimed at working with students with dyslexia but works for anyone falling behind in reading/writing/spelling.

Gives students strategies to read and spell words.  They understand how to read rather than relying on memorisation and guessing.  It involves direct instruction that is explicit, structured & systematic, cumulative, cognitive, intensive and emotionally sound.

Students are taught through multiple senses: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. This provides the brain with multiple ways to make connections to content with two or more learning channels/pathways being engaged at the same time to assist memory, learning and retention. 


-       Systematic/sequential, following a carefully planned sequence requiring mastery before moving onto a new skill

-       Explicit, explanation of spelling generalisations/patterns/concepts are broken down into easily understandable parts helping to provide clarity

-       Multisnensory, suits different learning styles

-       Includes cumulative review, previously learned skills are continually incorporated into new lessons to promote fluency and support the retention of skills